
Please be on the lookout for wedding invitations in the mail in the coming days.  As far as some of the basics go…

This is a costume-themed wedding.  If you plan to attend, please come dressed up as a video game character!  For those who don’t know much about video games, don’t worry!  This is actually a pretty broad category, as there are plenty of well-known characters that have been made into video games, such as Superman or James Bond.  Some even wear common street clothes that may be similar to what you already have in your closet.  Need ideas?  Reach out to one of us!

We’ve decided to create a honeymoon fund instead of gift registry.  One of the cool things about getting married in your thirties is that we already have most of the basic household stuff we need…and our space is kinda small, so we wouldn’t have much room for more!  If you would like to get us a gift to celebrate, some good ol’ cash (or checks) to help fund our honeymoon would be very much appreciated! You can do this at

There will be a karaoke after-party.  The ceremony/reception will be held at a park in southwest Las Vegas from 2 to 6-7ish, and we will then head over to Born and Raised at 7260 S. Cimarron Rd. for an evening of karaoke from 8 to midnight or so. We’ll be in The Bungalow, which is a private room left of the main entrance (look for the big arrow pointing down).